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How to donate

Lamp Lifeboat Ladder depends entirely on private funding to carry out its mission to resettle refugees from the Greater Middle East to Canada. Accordingly, a donor-advised fund has been established for donations, known as the Reed Smith Refugee Resettlement Fund, that is held at Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America). CAF America is a well-respected 501(c)(3) nonprofit that enables cross-border giving. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.


Option 1

Donations by check, wire, or stock transfer must be accompanied by a completed gift form.

Option 2

Donations can also be made online by credit card through CAF America’s website. Donations are directed to the Reed Smith Refugee Resettlement Fund.


To help 90 refugee families resettle to Canada, the Canadian government will accept case referrals from Lamp Lifeboat Ladder until September 20, 2025. Lamp Lifeboat Ladder and its partners will provide housing, financial assistance, holistic support, and integration services to torture survivors for two years after arrival in Canada.