Run for all and all for run

At the beginning of 2022, our director Jayne Fleming teamed up with a survivor in our project to train for a marathon together. They knew it would be tough, but it’s a great goal to focus on, and helps one get fit in the process. They picked the Istanbul Marathon in November 2022 as the race they would aim for.
When Jayne shared this plan with team members and other survivors in our program in Jordan, Greece, the UK and Canada, excitement ensued and participants flocked to join the new Lamp Lifeboat Ladder running team, which is 24 people strong and counting. It comprises survivors, allies in Canada and team members across the world!
These dedicated runners have been training come rain, shine, snow or sun, with some running in minus degree temperatures in the Canadian snow and others in the heat of the Jordanian desert!
We started a Facebook page where runners post training tips and words of encouragement and enthusiasm. Saeed, a survivor in our program, is our athletics director and is helping to coordinate the runners as well as identify other races that participants can enter as part of their training. There are plans to run 5K, 10K and half marathon races in Canada, Jordan, Greece, the UK and the US.
Survivors have told us that the community that’s been created around the running group is helping them to connect with one another and that it’s motivating to focus on a positive goal. Exercise is a sure fire way to boost endorphins and has a profoundly positive impact on our mental health and well-being.
We hope that the marathon running team will continue to train beyond the Istanbul Marathon!
Want to join our running team? Whether you’re a pro-runner who treats a 10 mile run as a warm up jog or whether you’ve never owned a pair of running shoes in your life, we’d love you to join us on our running journey! For more information, please message us.
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Help us aid refugees who have survived torture and trauma to discover a new life by supporting their relocation to Canada.