Inequality in treatment of displaced people; calling for kindness, fairness

Fabiola is a talented writer and survivor living in Greece and is part of Lamp Lifeboat Ladder.
Fabiola wrote a piece called "Refugees in Greece: LOL," recently published in Migratory Birds. In it, she talks about the discrimination confronting people seeking safety in Europe, particularly Greece, and the long-term mental health impact this will have. Fabiola highlights the most recent obvious discrimination and differential response to and treatment of refugees because of where they are from – using Ukraine as the most glaring recent example. She talks about the factors, such as wars, disease, crime, and more, that force many people to leave their countries for the sake of surviving and in search of safety; and that all need care and protection.
She ends the piece by emphasizing the urgent need for equality. "I hope and dream that one day when we speak of conditions of survival, we will banish the terms 'refugees,' 'asylum seekers,' and immigrants,' and think just about acting united as human beings."
We agree. Amazing work, Fabiola!
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